Bear Modules started out as a curiosity towards building our own modules. Most of what was (is) available is aimed at a high complexity like combined features and functions, the most ‘bang for your buck’ … But we are performers and users in the first place. So our needs were not those complex all-in-one modules which can do gazillions of tricks, but we want to use what we have. Exactly, our vision was to embrace “less is more” when we thought about the creation of modules.

First there were two guys hobbying a bit, then there was an extra degree in analog electronics with one of them, then there was a long haul of knowledge sharing and brainstorming and there were some products created in the process and then …

Then came the moment to decide if we would both have a company and well, one of us got another job and he got itchy from all the administrative stuff, so now it’s a one-man company with two actively involved brains for designing, testing, creation and stuff.

Our vision however is the same, hence the flawless collaboration over the years. In a world where everything is already being made and thought of, we are not trying to create stuff that others can create better, or others already have created. We’re trying to find the gap and focus on what’s *not* available, or what users need for using what they have.

We love to get into contact with musicians and listen to what they need. Maybe come up with ideas / solutions for what the actual problem is. Many of our modules actually have been designed in collaboration with artists who came to us with a question.

Because basically, we are musicians & performers, just like you. And we don’t want to be a slave to the system, we want to control it.